Healthy Living Tips to Help You Stayon Track

Healthy Living Tips to Help You Stay
on Track

The start of a new decade can be an excellent time to make new healthy living
resolutions grainlandcooperative. There are many practical ways to improve your health and wellbeing,
including reducing stress, eating well and increasing physical activity. However, it
can be challenging to make healthy changes in your life and keep them going.

Tips to help you stay on track
One of the best things you can do for your health is to spend time doing activities
that are fun and enjoyable, and which you enjoy. Whether that’s reading, baking,
crafting or spending time in nature, try to make some room for activities you love
each day.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Limit foods
and drinks that are high in sugar and salt.
Reduce your intake of solid fats (butter, stick margarine, lard) and switch to oils that
are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as olive oil or canola.
Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke wherever possible. Smoking can
contribute to a number of diseases, and it also damages your heart and respiratory